McAuley v Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal [2016] FCA 719
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - application for judicial review of a decision of the Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal affirming a decision that the applicant was not eligible for the Reserve Force...
View ArticleDirector, Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate v Bolton (No 2) [2016] FCA...
INDUSTRIAL LAW - admitted contraventions of s 500 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - principles regarding determination of pecuniary penalties - relevance of previous contraventions of industrial legislation -...
View ArticleConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Australian Competition and...
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for leave to appeal from interlocutory judgment of primary judge - proceeding before primary judge involved allegations of contravention by applicants of...
View ArticleDirector, Fair Work Building Industry Inspectorate v Bolton (No 1) [2016] FCA...
INDUSTRIAL LAW - s 500 and s 793 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - whether union can be liable for contravention of s 500 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - interlocutory application not accepted for filing without...
View ArticleLavin v Toppi (No 2) [2016] FCA 818
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for non-publication order - whether the order is necessary to prevent prejudice to the proper administration of justice - application refused
View ArticleMuswellbrook Shire Council v The Royal Bank of Scotland NV [2016] FCA 819
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - representative proceedings - Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) Pt IVA - whether Court has power under ss 33Q(1) and 33ZF(1), prior to making findings of liability, to...
View ArticleQuin (Trustee), in the matter of Rowe (Bankrupt) [2016] FCA 823
BANKRUPTCY - application by trustee in bankruptcy for directions pursuant to s 134(4) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - trustee was trustee in bankruptcy of several estates - proposed claim by one...
View ArticleAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission v Prysmian Cavi E Sistemi...
COMPETITION - alleged contravention of Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and Competition Codes of the States - price fixing and market sharing - where relevant markets are for land cables and submarine...
View ArticleAdelaide Bank Limited v Phontos [2016] FCA 824
HIGH COURT AND FEDERAL COURT - bankruptcy courts - meaning and effect of "jurisdiction in bankruptcy, and that jurisdiction is exclusive" in s 27 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - whether Court should...
View ArticleNorman v Heers (Trustee) [2016] FCA 821
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Application for extension of time to appeal - decision of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia - length of extension - whether prejudice to applicants - whether appeal...
View ArticleTSG Franchise Management Pty Ltd v Cigarette & Gift Warehouse...
COSTS - application for costs on an indemnity basis - relevant principles - where failure to comply with discovery obligations - effect of failure to provide proper discovery - application granted from...
View ArticleAustralian Institute of Professional Education Pty Limited v Australian...
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - where respondent issued notice to applicant requiring information under s 26, National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) - where Administrative Appeals...
View ArticleNRM Corporation Pty Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission...
CONSUMER PROTECTION - unfair contract - unconscionability - undesirability of providing a comprehensive definition - the vulnerability of the consumer PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - findings of fact in...
View ArticleShaw v Buljan [2016] FCA 829
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - application for review of a decision made by a Registrar of the Federal Court of Australia - where Registrar refused to accept a proposed interlocutory application for filing -...
View ArticleDZAFB v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 827
MIGRATION - Appeal from decision of Federal Circuit Court - decision of Refugee Review Tribunal affirming decision of delegate of Minister to refuse protection visa - when before the delegate's refusal...
View ArticleConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Commissioner of the...
POLICE - search and seizure - issue and execution of search warrant under Part IAA of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) - whether there were reasonable grounds for the respondents to copy and seize electronic...
View ArticleMalthouse on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #6 v State of Queensland [2016]...
NATIVE TITLE - application to be joined as parties to a native title proceeding pursuant to s 84(5) of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) - whether applicants are people whose interests may be affected by...
View ArticleMalthouse on behalf of the Bar Barrum People #6 v State of Queensland (No 2)...
NATIVE TITLE - application for determination of native title under s 87 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) - consideration of whether the parties have satisfied the criteria set out in s 87 such that...
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