Jonshagen v Commissioner of Taxation [2016] FCA 1545
TAXATION - application for an extension of time to appeal on a question of law from a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal - the applicant claimed deductions for management fees and other...
View ArticleBerney v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 1544
MIGRATION - application for extension of time to appeal from decision of Minister - application for judicial review of decision of Minister - whether Minister erred in refusing to revoke visa...
View ArticleDaiichi Sankyo Company, Limited v Alethia Biotherapeutics Inc. [2016] FCA 1540
PATENTS - appeal under s 60(4) of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) - where opponent has effectively withdrawn and Commissioner of Patents is not taking active part in proceedings - no evidence to support...
View ArticleTV2U International Limited, in the matter of TV2U International Limited...
CORPORATIONS - issue of shares by a company without a prospectus - attempt by the company to issue a cleansing notice under s 708A(5) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) - the company not qualified to...
View ArticleMinister for Immigration and Border Protection v Singh [2016] FCAFC 183
MIGRATION - procedural fairness - certificate issued under s 375A of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) - whether Tribunal required to disclose existence of certificate
View ArticleAlbert, in the matter of Albert (Bankrupt) v Lock (Trustee) [2016] FCA 1547
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - review of trustees' decision to impose conditions upon bankrupt's proposed travel - consideration of just and equitable order
View ArticleAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission v Harrison [2016] FCA 1543
CONSUMER LAW - unconscionable conduct in trade or commerce - where respondents provided telecommunications services to consumers - where respondents transferred customer contracts from one company to...
View ArticleConstruction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union v Australian Building and...
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION - Remedies for contravention of statutory prohibitions - Civil proceeding for penalty - Maximum penalties prescribed - Additional power to make any order considered appropriate...
View ArticleAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission v Get Qualified Australia Pty...
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for interim injunction to restrain the respondents from commencing debt collection or related activities until determination of substantive proceeding - debt...
View ArticleSZWCH v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 1551
MIGRATION - inadvertent disclosure on Department's website of personal information - implications for protection visa applicants MIGRATION - application of the decision of the High Court in SZSSJ -...
View ArticleCommonwealth Bank of Australia v Kojic [2016] FCAFC 186
CONSUMER LAW - whether corporation engaged in unconscionable conduct contrary to s 51AB or s 51AC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) or Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001...
View ArticleBird v Registrar, Federal Court of Australia [2016] FCAFC 188
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - where a registrar of the Federal Court of Australia refused to accept application for mandamus, habeas corpus and related orders for filing - where primary judge held that...
View ArticleAustralia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited v State of Queensland [2016]...
BANKRUPTCY - Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) s 133 - application by mortgagee for vesting bankrupts' property in mortgagee for purpose of sales and realisation of debts owed - effect of disclaimer by trustee...
View ArticleShepard, in the matter of Quest Minerals Limited v Mutual Holdings Pty...
CORPORATIONS - voluntary administration - deed of company arrangement - application by deed administrator and trustee for leave to transfer shares in company under Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 444GA -...
View ArticleCoshott v Coshott [2016] FCA 966
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application under s 35A(5) of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) for review of Registrar's determination of remuneration of statutory trustees for sale - associated...
View ArticleAustralian Competition and Consumer Commission v Lifestyle Photographers Pty...
CONSUMER LAW - sections 18, 21, 29(1), 48 of the Australian Consumer Law - misleading and deceptive conduct, unconscionable conduct, false or misleading representations about goods, failure to specify...
View ArticleMatson (Roger) v The United States of America [2016] FCA 1548
EXTRADITION - review of Magistrate's decision under s 21 of the Extradition Act - whether the applicant had adequate time to prepare for the hearing - relevant considerations under s 19 of the Act -...
View ArticleHardcastle v Mitch Enterprises Pty Ltd [2016] FCA 1569
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for summary dismissal of parts of statement of claim pursuant to s 31A(2) of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) and r 26.01(1)(a) of the Federal Court...
View ArticleTu v Chang [2016] FCA 1567
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application under r 9.63 of the Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) that the NSW Trustee and Guardian be appointed as the applicant's litigation representative - consent and...
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