Harcourts WA Pty Ltd v Roy Weston Nominees Pty Ltd (No 5) [2016] FCA 983
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY - determination of final orders - rectification of the Register of Trade Marks where application to the Court partially successful - relatively small amount of trial devoted to...
View ArticleRambaldi v Mullins (No 2) [2016] FCA 977
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - application by trustees in bankruptcy for declarations of entitlement - agreements entered by bankrupt and bankrupt's associate for transfer of interests in business -...
View ArticleLobban v Minister for Justice [2016] FCAFC 109
EXTRADITION - surrender determination made for extradition - surrender determination made under s 22(2) of the Extradition Act 1988 (Cth) - construction of Articles V and XIII of Treaty on Extradition...
View ArticleFrugtniet v Australian Securities and Investments Commission [2016] FCA 995
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - appeal from a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to affirm a decision of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to make a banning order under s 80 of the...
View ArticleStokes, in the matter of Padbury Mining Limited [2016] FCA 1000
CORPORATIONS - disqualification of a person from managing a corporation - application under s 206G(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) for leave to manage a corporation - non-compliance with notice...
View ArticleBochenski v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 989
MIGRATION - application for judicial review of Assistant Minister's decision not to revoke a cancellation of a visa under s 501CA of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) - whether Assistant Minister bound to...
View ArticleAravanis & Roy (Trustees), in the matter of Destanovic (Bankrupt) v...
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - where declaration made that property is subject to a charge under s 139ZR(1) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) in favour of the applicant trustees and ancillary orders for the...
View ArticleSecretary, Department of Health (as successor to the Secretary, Department of...
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - aged care - appeal against decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal - Tribunal set aside decisions of delegates of the Department of Health to reduce classification levels...
View ArticleZX v Commonwealth of Australia [2016] FCA 1013
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for discovery - where applicant summonsed to appear before an examiner pursuant to Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (Cth) - where applicant seeks discovery of...
View ArticleRenshaw v Queensland Mining Corporation Limited [2016] FCA 994
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Security for costs - appeal from sequestration order - where appellant did not ultimately contend that he was solvent
View ArticleABL Nominees Pty Ltd v Trinick (Trustee) [2016] FCA 996
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - application by creditor to set aside or terminate a personal insolvency agreement - whether applicants are creditors with standing to bring application - where applicants...
View ArticleClifton v Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Limited, (People's Republic of China)...
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for freezing order - where liquidator plaintiffs have a good arguable case to recover payments as unfair preferences - where defendant's only asset in Australia is...
View ArticleSZUMX v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 1021
MIGRATION - application for an extension of time and leave to appeal from decision of Federal Circuit Court on a show cause application pursuant to r 44.12 of the Federal Circuit Rules - decision of...
View ArticleAFC15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 1011
MIGRATION - application for leave to appeal from decision of Federal Circuit Court on a show cause application made pursuant to r 44.12 of the Federal Circuit Court Rules - decision of Refugee Review...
View ArticleSC Projects Australia Pty Ltd v Field Deployment Solutions Pty Ltd [2016] FCA...
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - order for the winding up of the defendant in insolvency pursuant to s 459A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
View ArticleOtsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd v Generic Health Pty Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCAFC 111
PATENTS - appeal against decision of primary judge that appellants' claims were invalid for lack of novelty and lack of inventive step - where primary judge held respondent would have infringed...
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