Rayner v Ellery [2016] FCA 771
INDUSTRIAL LAW - Registered organisation - Performance and observance of rules - Division of functions as between national council and branch - Branch autonomy - Proceeds of sale of real estate -...
View ArticleBurroughs v Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority [2016] FCA 775
INSURANCE - application to revoke or vary a disqualification under s 26 of the Insurance Act - transitional provisions following amendments to insurance regime in 2008 - when a disqualification...
View ArticleAboriginal Community Benefit Fund Pty Ltd v Chief Executive Centrelink [2016]...
SOCIAL SECURITY - power of Centrelink CEO or Secretary to exclude from payment, by deduction from an individual's benefit via the Centrepay payment service, payments with the consent of that individual...
View ArticleCommissioner of Taxation v Oswal (No 6) [2016] FCA 762
REAL PROPERTY - whether registered mortgages executed by the first respondent are voidable pursuant to s 89(1) of the Property Law Act 1969 (WA) (PLA) as being an alienation of property with intent to...
View ArticleLowden v Elliott Harvey Securities Ltd (No 2) [2016] FCA 740
CORPORATIONS - application for inspection of books and records of company in liquidation - purpose of application to facilitate litigation intimately related to the reason for liquidation - whether...
View ArticleBYF15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 774
MIGRATION - application for leave to appeal decision of Federal Circuit Court not to set aside earlier decision summarily dismissing judicial review proceedings and reinstate the proceedings under r...
View ArticleAustralian Parking and Revenue Control Pty Ltd v Reino International Pty Ltd...
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - interlocutory application to strike out parts of amended statement of claim - where amended statement of claim fails to disclose reasonable cause of action - where amended...
View ArticleMillar v Commissioner of Taxation [2016] FCAFC 94
TAXATION - appeal from Federal Circuit Court affirming respondent's decision to disallow the applicants' objections against amended assessments and notices of assessment of shortfall penalty - where...
View ArticlePalmer (Trustee), in the matter of Slater (Bankrupt) [2016] FCA 780
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - application for recognition of a foreign proceeding pursuant to the Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008 (Cth) - not presently satisfied that the orders sought should be made
View ArticleChevron Australia Pty Ltd v The Maritime Union of Australia (No 2) [2016] FCA...
INDUSTRIAL LAW - declaration that the respondent engaged in unprotected industrial action in contravention of section 417 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - the principles regarding the Courts power to...
View ArticleSadiqi, in the matter of Cook Islands Christian Church of Australia Limited...
CORPORATIONS - application to set aside a winding up order - factors to be considered - winding up order set aside
View ArticleHunter v State of South Australia [2016] FCA 779
NATIVE TITLE - Application for strike out - dispute as to applicant group - consideration of potential competing claim group - whether Court has jurisdiction to make orders sought. Held: Application...
View ArticleMackay Sugar Limited v Wilmar Sugar Australia Limited [2016] FCA 789
CORPORATIONS - consideration of an urgent interlocutory application for an injunction to restrain particular members of Queensland Sugar Limited from putting resolutions contained in a notice of...
View ArticleReaper v Luxton [2016] FCA 784
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) s 35A - applications for judicial review of decision by Registrar to reject documents for filing on the basis of abuse of process...
View ArticleMZAKA v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 781
MIGRATION - application for Protection (Class XA) Visa - appeal from decision of Federal Circuit Court of Australia - no error of law - appeal dismissed
View ArticleWyman on behalf of the Bidjara People v State of Queensland [2016] FCA 777
NATIVE TITLE - application for summary dismissal - dismissal of claim in part of claim area because of lack of continuity of acknowledgment and observance of traditional law and custom - same claim...
View ArticleRansley v Commissioner of Taxation [2016] FCA 778
TAXATION - Whether civil proceedings should be stayed pending resolution of related criminal proceedings - where proceedings involve common issues - whether prejudice established
View ArticleRakic v Johns Lyng Insurance Building Solutions (Victoria) Pty Ltd (Trustee)...
COSTS - claim commenced April 2014 - in August 2014 applicant made offer of settlement under Pt 25 Federal Court Rules - applicant amended statement of claim in July 2015 - proceeding ultimately...
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