Dyankov v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCAFC 81
MIGRATION - appeal from Federal Circuit Court of Australia - jurisdiction of Migration Review Tribunal - where adverse decision made on approved sponsor's nomination of occupation in relation to visa...
View ArticleAustralian Energy Regulator v Australian Competition Tribunal (No 2) [2017]...
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - application for judicial review of decision of the Australian Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) reviewing decisions of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) - nature and scope of...
View ArticleAustralian Energy Regulator v Australian Competition Tribunal (No 3) [2017]...
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - application for judicial review of decision of the Australian Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) reviewing decision of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) - nature and scope of...
View ArticleGloucester Shire Council v Fitch Ratings, Inc (No 3) [2017] FCA 553
COSTS - application for summary dismissal or for pleading to be struck out - competing application for leave to amend pleading - where applicants granted leave to amend - where respondents were...
View ArticleAXW15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 518
MIGRATION - appeal from Federal Circuit Court - whether Tribunal failed to consider fear of persecution in process of assessing if appellant is a person of interest if returned - whether appellant's...
View ArticleAustralian Building and Construction Commissioner v Parker [2017] FCA 564
INDUSTRIAL LAW - coercion - taking of action against another person - intent to coerce - need for an intent to negate choice - need for a high degree of compulsion INDUSTRIAL LAW - intention - onus to...
View ArticleWikilyiri on behalf of the persons who are ngurraritja for Ananta (Umbeara),...
NATIVE TITLE - application for determination of native title under s 87 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) - whether the parties have satisfied the criteria set out in s 87 such that the jurisdiction...
View ArticleAFT16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 574
MIGRATION - application for protection (class XA) visa - application for extension of time to appeal from Federal Circuit Court decision - whether Tribunal failed to consider full integers of claim -...
View ArticleAVO15 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 566
MIGRATION - application for leave to appeal - application for judicial review in Federal Circuit Court dismissed at show cause hearing - where Tribunal affirmed decision not to grant protection (class...
View ArticleCunningham, in the matter of Australasian Liquid Storage Pty Ltd (in liq)...
BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - application for a summons under s 596B Corporations Act (Cth) - whether requirement under s 596B(1)(b)(ii) that a person may have information about "examinable affairs" is...
View ArticleCJA16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 568
MIGRATION - application for leave to appeal from Federal Circuit Court decision - where primary decision affirmed decision of Tribunal dismissing application for protection (class XA) visa - whether...
View ArticleCareer Step, LLC v TalentMed Pty Ltd [2017] FCA 492
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for discovery before filing of defence - application for an order for inspection of property, specifically access to the respondents' computers, under r 14.01 of...
View ArticleHazledine v Arthur J Gallagher Australia & Co (Aus) Limited [2017] FCA 575
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for separate hearing on issue as to whether the Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine a victimisation claim based on s 94 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984...
View ArticleRambaldi (Trustee) v Commissioner of Taxation, in the matter of Alex...
BANKRUPTCY - preference under s 122 of Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - after-acquired property vests in trustees under s 58 of Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - whether loan agreement between third party and...
View ArticleMinister for Immigration and Border Protection v Hossain [2017] FCAFC 82
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - grant of visa prohibited if criteria not satisfied - whether jurisdictional error in respect to one criteria - remaining criteria not satisfied at time Tribunal made its decision -...
View ArticleBosanac v Commissioner of Taxation [2017] FCA 578
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for the vacation of trial dates - second application to vacate trial dates - where parties had had ample time to prepare - where new material has been acquired by...
View ArticlePfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals v Samsung Bioepis Au Pty Ltd [2017] FCA 573
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - whether extension of time within which to apply for leave to appeal should be granted - where modest delay - where respondent did not assert application for leave to appeal was...
View ArticleHollis v Comcare [2017] FCA 558
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW -- appeal from decision of Administrative Appeals Tribunal -- parties in agreement that Tribunal erred in law in one respect requiring remittal of matter to Tribunal for rehearing --...
View ArticleApotex Pty Ltd v ICOS Corporation (No 2) [2017] FCA 589
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - consideration of an application for an order for production in terms of a Notice to produce a document in a pleading or affidavit - whether documents are mentioned in an expert...
View ArticleAfterpay Holdings Limited, in the matter of Afterpay Holdings Limited [2017]...
CORPORATIONS - scheme of arrangement - application for order for meeting of members
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