CORPORATIONS - claim to recover alleged unfair preferences under s 558FE of the Corporations Act - whether company insolvent at the time of making payments - whether payments were in relation to "unsecured debts" - meaning of an "unsecured debt" in s 588FA(1)(b) - whether a retention of title clause is a "security" - date for determination of the value of security in s 588FA(2) - operation of "good faith" in s 588FG(2) - operation of "suspicion" in s 588FG(2) - whether running account existed - whether defendant has a set-off under s 553C - whether set-off under s 553C can be made against a preference claim under s 588FF
Hussain v CSR Building Products Limited, in the matter of FPJ Group Pty Ltd (In Liq) [2016] FCA 392