NATIVE TITLE validity of future acts non-compliance with procedural requirements in Division 3 of Pt 2 of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (the NTA) comity non-compliance with procedural requirements does not make future act invalid appeal allowed
NATIVE TITLE validity of future acts s 24HA of the NTA groundwater licences valid by operation of s 24HA(3) appeal allowed
NATIVE TITLE extinguishment exploration licence granted under the Mining Act 1978 (WA) was a lease within the meaning of provisions under the NTA s 47B does not apply to disregard prior extinguishment appeal allowed
NATIVE TITLE s 47B of the NTA requirement of occupation of land in s 47B(1)(c) of the NTA findings of fact on the evidence reasonably open to the primary judge no error of principle in primary judges reasons purported error in primary judge not finding that s 47B applied to part of Crown land where condition of occupation satisfied ground of appeal misconceived cross appeal dismissed
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE application for leave to amend contention to the extent that pleadings insufficiently clear application for leave to amend denied