COMPETITION - merger clearances and authorisations - authorisation granted by Australian Competition Tribunal for merger - Tribunal satisfied that proposed acquisition would result, or be likely to result, in such a benefit to public that acquisition should be allowed to occur - proper construction of s 95AZH of Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) - consideration of relationship between test in s 95AZH and concept of 'substantial lessening of competition' in s 50
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - whether Tribunal misconstrued and misapplied s 95AZH by importing test from s 50 - whether failure to take into account relevant considerations - whether Tribunal erred in law by failing to deal with a central issue raised by party to application - whether Tribunal required to compare likely future state of competition with and without proposed acquisition - whether Tribunal required to assign lesser weight to benefits flowing from proposed acquisition not likely to be widely shared - whether Tribunal made irrational and illogical findings