INDUSTRIAL LAW - superannuation schemes - application of Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings indexation for the purposes of calculating superannuation entitlements - definition of "salary" in Australia Post Superannuation Scheme Trust Deed - whether definition of "salary" incorporated indexation elements of Superannuation Act 1976 (Cth) - application dismissed
INDUSTRIAL LAW - enterprise bargaining - section 345 of Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - false or misleading representations about workplace rights - interpretation of section 345 - application of authorities concerning section 4 of Australian Consumer Law and section 52 of Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) - consideration of representations with respect to "future matters" - whether Australia Post contravened section 345 - application dismissed
INDUSTRIAL LAW - variation of contracts - estoppel - whether employment agreement varied for individual - whether Australia Post estopped from removing superannuation indexation for individual - application dismissed