CORPORATIONS - application for removal and appointment of court appointed liquidators pursuant to s 473 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) - application for removal and appointment of liquidators appointed in creditors' voluntary liquidations pursuant to s 503 - whether this Court has power to make orders under s 473(7) even where the liquidation and appointment of liquidators was made by another superior court - where one of two court appointed liquidators wishes to resign from full-time employment - where appropriate to have the appointment of two joint and several liquidators - where appropriate for ensuring continuity in the liquidation to appoint liquidators from the one firm - application pursuant to s 1322 for order for the synchronisation of half-yearly reports - application for leave under s 532(2) to be appointed and act as liquidators where company may be indebted to appointee and appointee may be a partner of an officer of the company - applications granted