ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - freedom of information - application for access to document (Coalition Agreement) - claim by Minister that the document was not an official document of the Minister within the meaning of s 4(1) of the Freedom of Information of Act 1982 (Cth) - application to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for review of a decision by the Information Commissioner holding that the document sought was not an official document of a Minister - applicant applied at a directions hearing in the Tribunal for an order that his legal representatives be allowed to inspect the document as a matter of procedural fairness under s 39 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) - Tribunal had not at that stage required the document to be produced for inspection and the document had not been voluntarily produced to the Tribunal - at that stage the Tribunal had not otherwise proposed to have regard to the contents of the document - whether the Tribunal erred in its interlocutory decision that it did not have the power to order that the applicant's legal representatives be allowed to inspect the document and, if the Tribunal did have that power, that it would decline to exercise it - Held: application for judicial review dismissed