CORPORATIONS application to set aside orders for examination under s 596A and production of documents under s 597(9) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) application for inspection of confidential documents and adjourn examination proceedings whether arguable case that examination was being conducted for an improper purpose and therefore abuse of process whether it was an improper purpose for examination to coincidentally advance the interests of unit holders in a trust where company is a trustee whether it was an improper purpose for examination to identify examinees ability to satisfy judgment whether it was an improper purpose of examination to be used as a dress rehearsal for cross examination in a proceeding or to gain an unfair forensic advantage whether liquidators solicitors pursuing examination for improper purpose to advance personal interests consideration of scope of examinable affairs under ss 9, 53, 53 AD and 64A(4) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) where company is a trustee whether liquidators made full and frank disclosure in ex parte application for summons to produce documents