CONSUMER LAW - alleged contraventions of s 21 of Australian Consumer Law - unconscionable conduct in trade or commerce - unconscionable conduct in connection with goods or services - where Respondent provided vocational educational services in form of online courses in management, salon management and marketing - allegation that Respondent targeted particular locations, including rural and remote towns and indigenous communities and areas with significant populations of low socio-economic status for marketing and enrolling consumers in courses - whether system of conduct or pattern of behaviour established - whether unconscionable conduct in relation to six nominated consumers - whether unconscionable conduct in all the circumstances
CONSUMER LAW - alleged contraventions of ss 18 and 29 of Australian Consumer Law - misleading or deceptive conduct in trade or commerce - false or misleading representations about goods or services - whether conduct of Respondent misleading or deceptive in relation to representations made to consumers - whether silence in relation to particulars of VET FEE-HELP scheme misleading or deceptive
CONSUMER LAW - alleged contraventions of ss 74, 76, 78 and 79 of Australian Consumer Law - unsolicited consumer agreement provisions - whether unsolicited consumer agreements within meaning of Division 2 - whether statute requires dealer to initiate negotiations which led to entering into of agreement - disclosing purpose and identity - informing person of termination period - requirement to give document to customer - requirements for all unsolicited consumer agreements - whether 'party plan event' exception applies