ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - application for judicial review of a decision of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) - AER determination that a pricing proposal is deficient under cl 6.18.8 of the National Electricity Rules (NER)
ENERGY AND RESOURCES - Distribution Network Service Provider discretion in defining tariff classes - where pricing proposal includes tariff subclasses - where pricing proposal includes a "solar tariff" subclass for customers with micro-generation facilities - where pricing proposal includes a "social tariff" subclass for customers identified as hardship customers - whether the NER recognise the existence of tariff subclasses - application of the protective principles of cl 6.18.4(a) of the NER - equal treatment of retail customers with a similar connection or usage profile - comparison of similarity or dissimilarity of customer load profiles - use of competing expert evidence to demonstrate unreasonableness - treatment of retail customers with micro-generation facilities no less favourable than retail customers without such facilities but with a similar load profile - where there is an economically efficient rationale for tariff classes - role or responsibility of a Distribution Network Service Provider for the determination of policy
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - requirement that the AER approve a pricing proposal if the AER is satisfied in accordance with cl 6.18.8 - whether an onus to demonstrate dissimilarity of load profiles was imposed - where it was open to the applicants to provide the information they considered would satisfy the AER