ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - Judicial Review - Professional Services Review Scheme under Part VAA of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) - where Professional Services Review Committee found applicant dentist engaged in "inappropriate practice" as defined in s 82 - meaning of "initiating" in s 82 - where applicant billed Medicare for dental services in advance of rendering - where dental services provided by dentists employed by applicant were billed using applicant's medicare provider number - where Determining Authority directed applicant should be reprimanded, counselled and required to repay amount to first respondent - whether pre-billing can constitute "inappropriate practice" - whether conduct of applicant in billing services provided by employees under his medicare number can constitute "inappropriate practice" - whether findings unlawfully made with respect to services rendered after statutory review period - whether Determining Authority failed to have regard to relevant considerations - whether repayment direction legally unreasonable - where no error established - application dismissed.