PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - application for summary judgment under r 26.01(1)(e) Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) and s 31A Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) - whether respondent had reasonable prospect of successfully defending proceeding - "real" as distinct from "merely arguable" or "fanciful" prospect of defending proceeding - trustee prima facie entitled to vacant possession - whether properties purchased using "protected money" - whether deed of settlement signed under duress - no steps taken repudiate deed of settlement in timely way
BANKRUPTCY - whether properties purchased using compensation money under s 116(2)(g) Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - whether money used to purchase properties "protected money" - property purchased jointly in names of husband and wife - Stankovic v Van der Velde [2012] FCA 1436 - wife's half of amount provided by husband to purchase properties presumed subject of a gift by way of advancement to wife