MIGRATION - application for a Protection (Class XA) Visa on basis of appellant's perceived association with LTTE, actual or imputed political opinion due to Tamil ethnicity and because appellant departed Sri Lanka illegally seeking asylum - refusal by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection - review of the delegate's decision by the Refugee Review Tribunal - dismissal by Refugee Review Tribunal on basis that appellant was not credible and there was no a real chance appellant would be persecuted on return to Sri Lanka - application for judicial review in Federal Circuit Court of Australia - appeal from primary judge's dismissal of application - whether Refugee Review Tribunal engaged in jurisdictional error by misunderstanding appellant's claims - whether Refugee Review Tribunal failed to put country information relating to persons being held on remand on return to Sri Lanka to appellant - whether appellant had opportunity to present arguments in accordance with Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s 425
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - role of the Court to decide whether decision was invalid by reason of jurisdictional error - role of the Court not to consider factual merits of Refugee Review Tribunal's decision