BANKRUPTCY - creditor's petition - Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) - where due to inadvertence of solicitor no order made extending time before petition lapsed under s 52(4) due to expiry of 12 months from date of presentation - where order made under slip rule extending time before which petition lapsed by three months and granting liberty to apply to seek further extension - where s 52(5) provided any extension be made before expiry of 12 months from presentation for a period exceeding 12 months and not exceeding 24 months - whether slip rule permitted extension of petition following expiration of initial statutory time limit of 12 months
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - slip rule - whether further one or more orders could be made after petition had lapsed under s 52(5) of Bankruptcy Act 1966 extending period before which creditor's petition lapsed - whether slip rule provided power to extend petition from date of error even though no power to make order for an extension of time under s 52(5) after petition lapsed - whether use of slip rule corrected an accidental slip or omission or determined substance of result